Many Don’t realize what all it takes to make a successful infographic. marketing with infographics successfully takes more than simply regularly sharing them through social networks or inserting them into your blog posts.
Below are five other creative ways to maximize the exposure you get from your infographics:
1) Launch As A Newsletter Highlight
Rather than using bulleted lists to highlight your value propositions, you can use a custom-made infographic to make them more visible and appealing. If needed, you can also use infographics to better illustrate instructions, making your audience feel more confident in converting.
2) Offer Infographics As Free Material In Your Courses
If you are in the education field for your product. You might want to consider creating an online course that people can use. One inexpensive solution to help you build a course might be UDEMY. Once you have your course, you can offer all of your marketing material as free resources and repurpose your infographics here.
3) Share Clips of them on Social Media
you shouldn’t just share infographics through the platform without thinking. A better strategy is to identify segments of your infographic that can be promoted individually, and then post them on different times throughout the day. You don’t need to do anything fancy to make this happen; most social media apps, such as the Instagram App, itself can help you crop the shareable sections of your infographic within seconds.
4) Use them In Your Email Marketing Campaign
Some may say that email marketing is dead and for the most part… those people are wrong. Yes, email isn’t as efficient as it once was, but that’s because of spam. If you provide good quality content, then you don’t have anything to worry about.
5) Repurpose Them Into Your Slideshows
you can also repurpose them into full-on slideshows. All you need to do is to crop each section that you want to use as slides, build the presentation with a program such as PowerPoint, and publish and present on them.
Wrapping Up
By using infographics, it can keep your brand relevant for the foreseeable future, you still need strategies that will help you make the most out of your investments. So, give these 5 tips a try and let us know what you think.