One of the things that are constantly used in the business world is the Sales Funnel concept.
Are you A little confused by what a Sales Funnel is? No worries. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this blog post.
Sales Funnel
So first, think about what a real-life funnel looks like. It’s a tube that has a small tip at the bottom and wide at the top. You’ve probably seen one before, right? Now, you’re probably wondering how we use a funnel in the business world. Well, keep reading because I’m going to tell you that too!
Every potential customer goes through the Sales Funnel. There are four different steps to the funnel. Businesses can add to the Sales Funnel to adjust to their business how they want, but there are always four basic steps.
Listed below are the four basic steps in a Sales Funnel:
1. Awareness– when a prospect becomes interested in your business. The prospect becomes aware that they have a problem and start looking for a solution to their problem. This is when the prospect finds your business (either by an ad, google search, maybe a podcast, or another traffic source) and starts viewing your business as a possibility for them to use. This is the first step at the top of the Sales Funnel.
2. Interest- at this point you’ve captured the prospect’s attention. This is the second stage in the Sales Funnel. They look at your social media accounts, maybe follow them, take another look at your site and might even subscribe to your newsletter. This is when the prospect is officially interested in your business and is seriously thinking about using your services.
3. Decision- now the prospect has to make a decision whether or not they want to use your services. This point isn’t easy because this is where you may need to help them make the decision to choose your business. This is where it’s important to have good reviews because that’s what the prospect will be looking at as they make their decision. This decision is a big one for the prospect and they want to make sure they’re making the right one by going with your business. Make sure you show them that your business has lots to offer them!
4. Action- now is the point where the prospect closes the deal and makes the purchase. This is the last step in the Sales Funnel. If you’ve made it this far in the Sales Funnel then you should have a new customer! This is the point where the prospect clicks the purchase button and money goes into your account. From here on you could always add to your Sales Funnel, adding more steps, or you could leave it at those four basic steps.
How To Tips
Here are two great ways to start your Sales Funnel and gather new leads for your business:
1. Blogging is a great way to both gather leads and start your Sales Funnel. Blogging gathers awareness to your business and gets potential customers attention.
2. Paid traffic is one of the easiest (although not always affordable) ways of getting attention towards your business. You pay for ads and people get directed to your website when they click on them.
Those are only two of the many ways you can start your Sales Funnel and gather new leads for your business. There are many other ways to create traffic, generate leads, and close sales. But no matter how you do it, the Sales Funnel approach is the most commonly used to close deals and secure purchases
If your business would like to learn more and see how you can use Sales funnels to grow your business through the internet, Partnership Web Apps specializes in advanced Sales Funnels that bring your business all the leads you want!