SEO – 3 Secrets to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings Every Day

Search Engine Optimization is something that Nearly all Webmasters want to get into… Getting your site ranked in the search engines is great because if you get listed on the front page of Google, you will get a lot of traffic…
The problem is that most people want to get ranked in the coveted top 10 spots, and some even want to get listed on the front page of Google, so how can you achieve this? The secret that works every time is called "SEO", or "Search Engine Optimization".
Basically, Search Engine Optimization is the process of tweak your site so that it ranks higher in the search engines. There is more to it than just that, but basically the search engines want to rank your site by keyword phrases. So for example, if you are selling shoes, your main keyword would be "shoes", but you would also have a lot of other keywords in your site like "sport shoes", " continuation shoes", "women's shoes", " kids shoes", "Discount shoes", " personalities shoes", "cheap shoes", etc.
So basically when someone goes to the search engine and types in a keyword it first looks for sites that have the words "shoes" on the site and then translates that to the most optimized word that it can find.
So the more optimized (more likely to get indexed) your site is, the more likely it is to be picked up by the search engines. So getting a site up using the right words can actually net you traffic faster than if you just had the words "shoes".
You can also utilize different techniques such as creating backlinks or inbound links (links from others to your site) to your site. Backlinks basically sum up how popular your site is because the more sites link to your site, the more popular it is.
Of course, getting other sites to link to you can be a very slow process. If you want to get a site up in less than a week, it would be very hard, unless you really knew a lot of people or had a lot of money to spend.
Most Webmasters decided it was better to pay someone else to do it, and set up several purpose websites. These sites would then link to each other in a way that would manageable for the search engines.
Some of these services are great, and can really put your website out there and get you the exposure you deserve. However, most of the big sites charge a fair fee. If you are a small learner in the area, you would most likely not be able to handle this yourself… unless you were willing to learn like a tail between two tails.
In any case, this is definitely a strategy worth pursuing. It is true that it takes time to build up and get a good page rank, but Google rewards sites that have the patience.
1. The right keywords.
prosper to find the right keywords. This is the great thing about the internet. You can type in a broad term and pick out ten results, and very often you will find that people using the words you want to rank for are actually websites ranked highly for the same keywords.
Keywords that are relevant to your topic are generally quite difficult to find unless you start looking manually. Some tools that may be useful to you include Wordtracker and Google AdWords Keyword Tool. However, these may be expensive.
2. Structure your site properly.
When you are making your website, you want to be sure that the title of the pages of your website is in line with the keywords of your website. Also, make sure that the keyword density is correct. If you have a page that has a keyword density of 2% to 8%, you should be aiming for a density of 2-4%. If you go over 5%, it will start to feel unnatural to the reader.
Also, make sure that your images are properly named so that you will get the keywords in the file names. If you are using images, make sure that you do not upload them with the alt tag blank. You can then upload an alt tag containing the keyword that you are looking for.
3. Participate in link exchanges.
Link exchanges are probably the easiest way to get a high ranking. The main thing that you need to do is to find a couple of websites that are ranked well for your main keyword. Then what you need to do is to create a link exchange email or maybe even a forum signature linking to your website with the keywords in it.
Of course, you will need to make sure that you have a live link for at least 30 days before you can take advantage of this method. It also helps to spread your links to different social bookmarking websites such as Twitter, Digg, and Delicious.