NF Paid My Dues

Nathan John Feuerstein, known by his initials NF, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter drop a new song titled “Paid My Dues” on December 3 and hits over 250K Views on Youtube in the first hour. As business owners and marketers we are always looking for opportunities to grow and see how other people are connecting with others and growing their brand. Branding is an extremely important step to growing any business. The fact that NF was able to tell his fans that a new song was being released today and for them to tune in, in a matter of hours and gets hundreds of views in the first hour is simply amazing.
NF Paid My Dues Views In Under 2 Hours

NF has done a phenomenal job at connecting and branding himself with his fans. The best and hardest thing we can do as business owners is creating a brand everyone wants to be associated with. The significance about branding versus selling is if NF was “Selling” every time he released a new song, he would ultimately be relying on the radio and everyone else to “judge” and review his song before it went viral; however, since he has branded himself, all he had to do was educate his fans about the new song “Paid My Dues, and second create a “fear of missing out” opportunity by saying “Tune in at this time.”
Marketing and Branding
The first thing we can learn from NF and his new song Paid My Dues Debut is that we as business owners and marketers must create a sense of urgency by letting our followers know this is a limited time deal, adding First come – first serve, and creating a separation anxiety type of feeling almost.
Next, we must “set the table” with our audience. Boldy and publicly state your intentions and why your customers should trust and follow your brand. Like NF, what we must do is create a brand strategy around you with a profit mobile-first strategy. A profit mobile-first strategy is simply creating everything you are doing around the Mobile phone and connecting with all of your customers on their most protected device… their cell phone!
Profit Mobile First Strategy
A few key ways that we can create a successful Profit Mobile Branding Strategy is
- You Must Optimize Your Google My Business Listing For Local Searches.
- Optimize Your Google Maps Listing
- You Must Optimize Your Social Media To Correlate To Your Brand
- Provide Other Mobile Outlets That are MOBILE First Built
- Capitalize On Your Word Of Mouth Branding Strategy
As Successful as NF’s new song launch was from purely organic traffic, meaning no heavy advertising, there is however one thing that we as business owners can do better that he could have used to generate even more traffic and that is to create a Word Of Mouth Strategy. A Word Of Mouth Strategy is simply supplying your audience an easier ability to share your information with their closest friends and family. A few ways this can be done is:
- Create a Mobile or Web App that has all of your information and videos in one space with one simple link
- Create a ChatBot that interacts and generates leads
- Simply supply a Subscription Link For Emails That is on your website
- Send them to your website with an automated social media image and message that is used to attract new users and customers.
- And Many More
Learning From NF
As business owners and marketers we are constantly learning and growing. We understand that it takes hard work and time to build a brand… and that is exactly what NF has done so far. His fans love him and simply embrace all of his music. It may have taken a little longer than he may have hoped, but in the long run it has paid off… Now it is our turn to take what he is doing and learn from it. If you are interested in learning more about the writer and his company, please visit Partnership Web Apps Marketing.
Dallas Slough NF Paid My Dues Marketing And Branding
NF Paid My Dues Music Video
To listen to NF’s New Music Video – Paid My Dues, visit:
(This article is in no way related to or owned by NF and does not legally own any of his songs.)