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Improv Your Way to Making More Sales

Improv Your Way to Making More Sales
Improv Your Way to Making More Sales

Improv Your Way to Making More Sales

How many times have you talked to a human resource director of a company and the company does not have a sales manager named developing sales strategies? Not many. Then why are they wasting useless human resources working on a sales strategy that is unproven and might never work or be successful?

What To Expect

The most critical aspect of the sales function is there must be a constant need for new business. If that is lacking, the company is losing valuable revenue because nobody is closing the business or stopping the flow of new customers coming through the door.

The true role of the sales manager is to develop the skills, techniques, and approaches used to manufacture or introduce into a new product, offering, or to bring in new business. That is why the sales manager must be the ultimate delegate and get ready someone to do certain aspects of the sales process. Further, the manager ought to step out of the approval decision making involved for a new business to the most direct person who must approve the sales flaw properly.


When a new business is obtained, the first task to be accomplished is learning the customer's needs and evaluating the level of heat once the potential customer is recognized. All too often this step is ignored as a procedure or too difficult to understand.

Those companies are missing a vital need of knowing their customer. That customer may have a new need. However, if the customer cannot better serve the identified needs of the firm's products and services then they have a strong likelihood of choosing competing businesses on the same services and products provided. To avoid this circumstance the sales managers must continually improve the skills and techniques used to introduce or present from the perspective of the customer. If the needs of the customers will be met enrich the sales profits by Engaging in improvements made to your existing products and services. So what does this term "Improvements" really mean? This is another issue.


Improvements from the other perspective are those activities performed directly to more closely satisfy the customer's needs. For example, adding more value by being faster or a more conscientious. Another example is a party atmosphere to more invite a more receptive group of potential future customers. If you own a store, or you have assisted a business owner in improving this activity instead of a party atmosphere in your company; you are improving the effectiveness of the sales effort.

When thinking of the sales process, think of three levels. There are major steps and there are minor keys. The major steps are the events that occur between the call to begin the process, the calling of the initial contact, and the response to the customer's needs.


Each of the major steps can be broken down into smaller steps and these would include sending a greeting, delivery of the items, timely follow-up, and more importantly the end of the customer's experience with the organization. These steps within the sales process are what is called the customer touch points.

Each of the minor steps can be broken down into even smaller steps and these would include actually engaging with the customer to determine the progress of the purchase. These sub-steps within the sales process can be developed into more opportunities to present after the customer has been sustained.


If there are problems within the sale process, then these can be attributed to at least one of the so-called minor steps. If these unfortunate events could be eliminated or developed into part of the process, then the customer relationship will improve and the result will be increased sales.

The problem should be thought of as a total solution to the problem rather than a minor problem to be fixed. Many times, the issue turns out to be aligned with steps that are causing unmet needs.

Once the problems have been identified and then the associated sub-steps considered, then a sound plan can be developed to acquire new customers which may have either satisfied or neglected needs to more completely satisfy the customer's wants and needs. The plan should take into consideration the objectives to which the organization may have as well.


Once the opportunities have been evaluated and broken out to be included as part of the solution, then these steps can be put into action. Within the development of the plan, it is a good tactic to consider the following issues which are also helpful to your customer and can assist to improve their expectations for your organization:

– Our experience with the current situation

– Potential opportunities

– Potential problems and solutions

– Off aim customer perceptions

– Other components of the problem

These six steps to developing a plan will provide for including the customer in the entire development of the sales process and they will add value to their buying experience with your company and better establish the odds of getting your products and services.